While the registration for IB assessments occurs at the start of the second year of the program (DP2) or at the earliest 20 months before the written examinations for the session, students who wish to take the DP at Bannister Academy starts planning for the program while they are still in Junior High School (JHS) or at least before they enter the SHS. This is to ensure that those enrolling in the SHS and the DP are aware of the essential details of the program including DP-related fees and the services at Bannister Academy available for them. Planning for DP involves not only the School and the students but also the parents/ guardians of whom full support is needed. Since the DP is a two-year program, students and their families agree that successful enrollment entails full commitment on their end. It is important to note that students who wish to transfer out of Bannister Academy in the middle of the program and not pursue the DP in another school may need to repeat their studies for Grades 11 and 12. Hence, the admission procedure at Bannister Academy for the DP is more stringent to students who finished their JHS in a different school as compared to Bannister students moving up to SHS.
Bannister students, upon successfully completing the requirements of Grade 10 in Junior High School (JHS), are automatically admitted to SHS and the DP should the student decide to takethe program. They will not have to go through the regular admission procedure of assessments and interviews to seek admission in the DP provided they attend the SHS Orientation that will be given at the latter months of Grade 10 and complete the career services provided by the Office of Guidance and Counseling before
graduating in JHS.
In general, students who wish to enroll in DP at Bannister Academy must satisfy the following conditions
before being admitted to the program.
a. Have passed the admission requirement for SHS (waived for Bannister students who successfully
completed Grade 10). For transferees, please refer to the Admission Procedure for Transferees
and Students with Learning Support Requirements.
b. Have passed the language requirement stipulated in the Language Policy handbook of the School.
c. Have attended the SHS Orientation or finished the chat with the DP Coordinator about the DP
program.This applies to both the student and the parent/guardian.Admission in the DP requires
both the student and the parent/ guardian to be fully informed about the program.
d. Have undergone through the career and interest tests, interview, and other services provided by
the Office of Guidance and Counseling. It is important to note that the result of such testing does
not impact the admission in the DP. Instead, the result helps the School better understand the
changing interests and needs of our students. Specifically, the result may be used by the School
in assigning mentors, in guiding students choose their DP subjects including SL/HL combinations,
and in matching students with universities for college application.
Once the student have fulfilled the conditions above, the student and the parent/ guardian must select 6 courses among the course offerings of the School including the corresponding level. As stipulated in the Diploma Programme Assessment Procedures 2022, the following conditions apply for courses elections:
It is important to note that the selection of courses to betaken at the Higher Level greatly influences the capacity of the student to finish the program and the requirements for university application. Hence, it is mandatory at Bannister Academy for students and their parent/ guardian to seek the services of the Office of the Guidance and Counseling to ensure that all parties are made aware of the student’s capability, interest, and prospected course in the university.