

Mentoring Program

Personal Development Series

Parent Formation

Mentoring Program

Character education in Bannister Academy takes place within the seamless continuum of formal subject classes, the class advisory sessions, and personal mentoring.

These essential components address the development of each student’s personal qualities, attitudes and dispositions, as well as acceptance of universal human values.

1. Formal Subjects

Subject teachers have the opportunity to address ethical issues as these come up in the subject content or in classroom activities. The academic content and skills formation in various subjects are natural venues for fruitful discussions about desirable ethical perspectives and values.


2. Classroom Advisory Sessions

Advisory or homeroom periods are used by the Class Adviser to take up topics or content more directly related to character formation. One homeroom session per week may be used to discuss specific values-related content.


3. Student Mentoring

Personal mentoring, which takes place between the student and an assigned teacher-mentor, is the premier venue for character formation. The mentoring conversation covers the entire range of the student’s experience at Bannister: his academic work (and struggles), relations with peers, relations with teachers and Bannister staff, personal and family concerns, as well as the student’s personal quest for fulfillment and self-actualization.

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Technology is not enough. Intelligence plus chareacter – that is the true goal of education.